How to downsize and declutter before moving into a retirement home

A big part of moving into a retirement home is downsizing. This involves getting rid of many of the possessions you’ve accumulated throughout your life. Here are a couple of tips for moving into a smaller space.

Start early

It can take a long time to sort through your belongings. Therefore, the earlier you begin, the better. It’s best to start at least three months before your move. You may want to kick things off by making a list of the items you think you absolutely must have in your new retirement residence.

Tackle small jobs first

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, declutter one room at a time and break things down into manageable tasks. For example, start by sorting through easy spaces like the kitchen pantry, bathroom and front closet. If you can, go to your new residence and plot out where things will go to visualize what you need and don’t.

As a general rule, donate, sell or throw away things you haven’t used in more than a year.

Hire a moving company

Once you’ve decided what you’re keeping, it’s a good idea to hire a full-service moving company to help transport and unpack your belongings in your new place.

Although difficult at first, downsizing and decluttering can make your life easier. After all, the less you have, the less you have to maintain and the more time and energy you’ll have for your retirement years.


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