4 signs of elder abuse

Abuse can happen to people at any age. Sadly, some predators see older adults as easy prey. Do you fear a friend or loved one may be the victim of elder abuse? Watch for these signs.

1. Physical signs. Physical abuse may leave injuries like bruises or broken bones, but not all harm is visible at first glance. Poor hygiene or significant weight loss may also indicate mistreatment.

2. Financial irregularities. Be wary if your loved one incurs sudden large expenses or loses the ability to access their accounts, especially if they’re unable or unwilling to give an explanation. It may indicate a scam, but it could also be a sign of abuse by a caretaker.

3. Strange behaviour with a caregiver. Does your loved one behave differently in the presence of a specific caregiver? Often, abusers can provoke emotions of anger or fear. Sometimes, however, the abuser may trigger overly friendly or flirtatious behaviour in their victims.

4. Emotional, social or cognitive changes. Although depression, anxiety and confusion are all symptoms of various age-related conditions, they can also be warning signs of abuse. If you observe a significant change in your loved one’s emotional baseline or notice them withdrawing from their usual social activities, it’s a good idea to look a little deeper.

If you’re concerned for the well-being of a senior friend or loved one, a counsellor or therapist in your area may be able to help.


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