7 steps to clean your pantry like a pro

Cleaning out your pantry is one of those chores you only do maybe once a year. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it right from cleaning and organization professionals.

1. Empty the pantry completely. You may make some surprising discoveries!

2. Sort all the food by category. For example, group together spices, canned vegetables and cereals.

3. Check the expiry dates and get rid of any out-of-date products. If you can’t find a date, consult a credible source, like a government website, to determine the approximate shelf life of popular food items.

4. Clean the walls and shelves inside the pantry with an all-purpose cleaner.

5. Wipe down the outside of plastic and glass containers and bottles with a damp cloth.

6. Carefully put all the items back on the shelves or in storage baskets. For instance, put the items you use most often within easy reach or place canned goods together.

7. Wipe down the outside of the pantry, including the doors and handles.

A clean, well-organized pantry will make cooking easier and minimize food waste. What are you waiting for?


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