3 signs your car needs a wheel alignment

A suspension alignment, more commonly known as a wheel alignment, keeps your tires pointed in the right direction and ensures a smooth ride. However, any type of impact, such as driving over a pothole or into a curb, can affect your car’s alignment. Here are three signs you should have yours checked.

1. Uneven tire wear

Tread that’s worn on just one part of the tire or that’s dissimilar on the different tires can indicate a problem with your car’s alignment.

2. A vibrating or loose steering wheel

When you’re driving on an even stretch of road, your steering wheel should be perfectly still and straight. In addition, your car should be responsive when you turn the wheel. An alignment problem can make your steering wheel vibrate or feel loose.

3. Car pulls in one direction

If your car swerves or drifts to one side when you relax your grip on the steering wheel, there’s an issue. You shouldn’t have to steer to keep the car pointed in the right direction when driving in a straight line.

Don’t ignore the signs that something’s wrong with your suspension. Alignment issues can decrease your car’s fuel efficiency, increase wear and tear on the vehicle and make it more difficult to steer or brake.


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